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Thursday, August 30, 2012


There are instances where you may want to style an element based on something other than the structure of the document—for instance, the state of a link or form element. This can be done using a pseudo-class selector.

/* makes all unvisited links blue */ 
a:link {color:blue;}  

/* makes all visited links green */ 
a:visited {color:green;}  

/* makes links red when hovered or activated. 
focus is added for keyboard support */ 
a:hover, a:focus, a:active {color:red;}  

/* makes table rows red when hovered over */ 
tr:hover {background-color: red;}  

/* makes input elements yellow when focus is applied */ 
input:focus {background-color:yellow;}

:link and  :visited are known as  link pseudo-classes and can only be applied to anchor elements.  :hover,  :active, and  :focus are known as  dynamic pseudo-classes and can theoretically be applied to any element. Most modern browsers support this functionality. Unsurprisingly, IE 6 only pays attention to the :active and :hover pseudo-classes when applied to an anchor link, and ignores :focus completely. IE7 supports :hover on arbitrary elements but ignores :active and :focus.

Last, it’s worth pointing out that pseudo-classes can be strung together to create more complex behaviors, such as styling the hover effect on visited links different from those on unvisited links.

/* makes all visited linkes olive on hover */ 
a:visited:hover {color:olive;}